There’s my consolation

Co-founder of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor, Eileen O’Connor, willingly accepted a lifetime of debilitating pain to assist the work of Our Lady and the priestly vocation of co-founder, Rev Father Edward McGrath msc. Eileen O’Connor’s mother, Annie, told Father McGrath that one day Eileen gazed at an image of Ecce Homo (Behold the man) as she was being carried into one of her many operations. This well-known Christian scene depicts Jesus – scourged, bound and crowned with thorns – about to be handed over to the angry crowd for crucifixion. Knowing the pain that awaited her, Eileen looked at the image and then said to her mother, “There’s my consolation.”
For further reading, visit our resources page where you can discover more about the Our Lady's Nurses for the Poor, Eileen O'Connor, Fr Edward (Ted) McGrath and the work of the Brown Nurses.
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