I will use the pain for him

1 November 1911. On the eve of All Saints Day, 19-year-old Eileen O’Connor lies unconscious at ‘Restwell’ in Beach St, Coogee. Close to death, she receives another apparition from Our Lady, who offers her three propositions: going to Heaven with Her; going back to convent school at Pymble; or to suffer for Her and Her Work. Without hesitation, Eileen chooses the latter. She believes that Rev. Edward McGrath msc has been chosen to help perform Our Lady’s work and that Eileen’s suffering will assist him to fulfil his priestly mission. “I will use the pain for him, for his needs, but he must merit it by being faithful, by prayer and be seeking his/your need of it.” When Father McGrath arrives the following morning, he finds a “new, bright and vivacious Eileen”. Eileen later tells Father McGrath that Our Lady showed “no small pleasure and satisfaction” at her willingness to accept the Way of the Cross. Father McGrath is troubled and humbled by Eileen’s commitment to suffer for his vocation. “As you gazed upon that patient and uncomplaining sufferer, all that was good within you pressed you on and prompted you to awake from your lethargy and do something worthwhile for God.”