Go the Blues!

21 August 1974. Carlton Football Club President, George Harris, writes to Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor co-founder, Rev. Father Edward (Ted) McGrath msc, who is now 93 years old. “I learnt the other day, with a great deal of pleasure, of your lifelong support of the Carlton Football Club. We take it as a great honour that somebody who has led the full productive and unselfish life that you have, could find the time and the interest to continue for so many years to follow the fortunes and misfortunes of our great club. Enclosed is a football signed by all of the current players, which we offer as a small gesture for your great interest. We trust that you be spared for many more years to continue watching Carlton’s successes, as we know that even though this year has not been one of our best, that the next several years will still bring a great deal of success to us.” Father McGrath had been a handy football player in his youth. One of his team mates at the Devenish Football Club was Jim Flynn, who later won three successive premierships with Carlton in 1906, 1907 and 1908, the first two as captain. Father McGrath had the pleasure of seeing another five Carlton premierships after his return to Australia in 1941. Even in his final years, when he could no longer watch television due to his failing sight and hearing, Father McGrath would always inquire about the results of each game.