Eileen’s thoughts on service

“Love God, fix your thoughts on Him in all that you do, think of what you are doing, be sure that
“Love God, fix your thoughts on Him in all that you do, think of what you are doing, be sure that it will help, or gain help for others.”
“Give to others as He gives to you with no thought of self and with never a thought of failing them. Be unselfish with God, giving to others. Give Our Lord as He is in your heart, loving thoughtful, unselfish.”
Eileen O’Connor, co-founder of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor.
Reflection (Romans 12:2): Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God – what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect.
Prayer: Let us answer and understand the wishes of others. Amen.
Come walk with me: Thoughts and prayers by Eileen O’Connor.