Eileen’s anniversary day

10 January 2018. Year after year, the faithful have quietly come to Our Lady’s Home each year to pray at her tomb on the anniversary of her death or to place their petitions in our intercessory box – and this year was no different. Even though the event has never been publicised, more than 100 people of all ages and cultures began arriving after 9 am to join us for Mass, which was concelebrated by Fr Dan Donovan, Bishop Terry Brady and Fr Brendan Murphy SDB. We also warmly welcomed Sr Clare Nolan, Sr Gaye and several other Sisters of Charity, who came to the Mass and experienced the graces of the day. A steady stream of the faithful continued to arrive throughout the day to recite the Rosary or to sit in quiet, restful meditation in Our Lady’s Chapel. At about 5 pm, the Sisters gathered in the Chapel, together with some late visitors, to recite a final Rosary before Eileen’s vault was closed for another year.