Category: Uncategorized

  • Father McGrath's epaulettes

    For valour

    August 11, 2018
    28 September 1918. Co-founder of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor, Captain Rev. Father Edward McGrath msc rescues a seriously-injured…
  • 106 Gilroy

    The cause begins

    August 11, 2018
    30 August 1962. His Eminence Cardinal Norman Gilroy, approves the following prayer for the beatification of Eileen O’Connor: O God,…
  • 58 OLN Card

    Prayers for the beatification of Eileen O’Connor

    August 11, 2018
    10 January 2017. Most Rev Anthony Fisher OP, Archbishop of Sydney, approves two prayers for the beatification of Our Lady’s…
  • Eileen's playing cards

    Cards, anyone?

    June 19, 2018
    9 May 1939. The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the annual card party to raise funds for Our Lady
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    “Just as they last saw her”

    June 19, 2018
    19 December 1936. Eileen O’Connor’s body is exhumed from Randwick Cemetery for reinterment in the chapel at Our Lady’s Home.…
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    A papal audience

    June 19, 2018
    October 1915. Co-founder of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor, Eileen O’Connor, has an audience with His Holiness, Pope Benedict…
  • 54 Archduke_0

    An unfortunate coincidence

    June 19, 2018
    27 June 1914. Society of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Visitor General, Rev. Father Hubert
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    Our Lady’s Home expands

    June 19, 2018
    19 March 1939. Most Rev. Norman Gilroy, Archbishop Coadjutor of Sydney, lays the foundation stone fo
  • Eileen with Kathleen Perrottet

    A devoted friend of Eileen

    June 19, 2018
    6 May 1943. Martha Perrottet, a staunch supporter of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor from the very beginning, dies…
  • Our Ladys Home

    A place to call home

    June 19, 2018
    8 December 1913. Benefactors, Rev. Father Edward Gell and Miss Frances Gell, present two cheques to Eileen O’Connor and Father…