A picture in time

A picture in time

Many of the photographs from the early years of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor were taken by the community’s co-founder, Eileen O’Connor. Dr. Bill Perrottet, who frequently visited Our Lady’s Home as a young boy, recalls: “One day my sister Kath, Joe McGrath (Father McGrath’s nephew) and I, with Eileen O’Connor and her camera, frolicked over the rocks at Coogee Beach. A picture of us three sitting on the rock and taken by Eileen is still in my possession. This photograph was developed and printed by Eileen. On many occasions, I have seen negatives drying on lines stretches across the verandah adjacent to her room.” Bill’s aunt, Katie Lynch, was one of the foundation nurses and his mother, Martha Perrottet, was a staunch supporter of the community until her death in 1943.


For further reading, visit our resources page where you can discover more about the Our Lady's Nurses for the Poor, Eileen O'Connor, Fr Edward (Ted) McGrath and the work of the Brown Nurses.
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