The ongoing work of the Brown Nurses

The ongoing work of the Brown Nurses

10 January 2025. We were particularly glad to welcome staff from the Brown Nurses (an independent mission of Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor), who are continuing the work of Eileen O’Connor in inner Sydney. Recognisable by their distinctive blue shirts (rather than the brown cloaks and bonnets worn by the foundation nurses and Sisters), its team of registered and enrolled nurses provide compassion, care and advocacy to the disadvantaged and marginalised. Many of their clients live with debilitating chronic illnesses and are at risk of homelessness. This crucial, caring work is financed by Our Lady’s Nurses for the Poor as a continuation of the work of Eileen O’Connor and Edward McGrath. Visit for more information.


For further reading, visit our resources page where you can discover more about the Our Lady's Nurses for the Poor, Eileen O'Connor, Fr Edward (Ted) McGrath and the work of the Brown Nurses.
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